Lifestyle D.I.V.A.s
Hello and Welcome!...Thank you for considering "D.I.V.A."for your Lifestyle Concierge needs. This day and age more and more people are using a personal concierge to buy back life's most valued commodity..."TIME". A Personal Lifestyle Concierge works on the very basic of premise. People "need" or "want" to have things done and just don't have the time to do it.
D.I.V.A.'s are
Distinctive Intellectual Vivacious Assistants with diverse backgrounds, specialties, passions, and interests that allow them to professionally service your needs regardless of your industry. Founded in 2008 by Nikki Brown, a self proclaimed D.I.V.A.. D.I.V.A. was created to service individuals, entrepreneurs, entertainers, and corporations with Personal Professional needs outside of and or beyond the traditional service professions, such as Housekeepers and Nannies.
D.I.V.A.'s are intelligent entrepreneurial minded personal business professionals that thrive in growth oriented environments that allow them to utilize their various skills and resourcefulness.
Whether your search is for linens, baked goods, crafts, supplies, or service, some things we need are right in our own back yard (pun intended)
Check out some of our local lifestyle biz picks that range from economical to extravagant and don't forget to mention that you saw it at The Atlanta Assistant dot com!